1.What are the differences between briquettes based on wood vs. mineral fossil briquettes?
First of all, the overall barbecuing qualities of wood-based briquettes are better than for mineral fossil-based. Mineral briquettes are difficult to ignite and create a chemical odour, which is unpleasant to the consumer. Secondly, wood-based briquettes are better for the environment. Mineral briquettes are made from stone coal or other fossil minerals which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Why is high carbon-fix important?
Fixed carbon (C-fix) is actually what you are barbecuing on. Higher C?fix levels equal better barbecuing characteristics. The quality of the charcoal is directly related to the fixed carbon level ? the higher the better.

3. Why does granulation matter?
A good granulation mix is essential for a long and even glow-bed. Small pieces for a quicker ignition and big pieces for a longer glow-time.

4. Why is FSC® important?
FSC®(FSC-C011554) promotes responsible global forest management and helps preserve forests for future generations. For more information, please visit www.fsc.org

5. What is the difference between DINplus/DNV and other norms?
DINplus and DNV have higher standards than other European norms. DNV has the highest standards in Europe. DNV also certifies the whole production process, not only the final product.

6. Why should you avoid high ash content in briquettes?
High ash content indicates high levels of sand, minerals, lignite or other non-barbecuing substances. These substances worsen the barbecuing characteristics in several ways, e.g. unpleasant smoke, difficult ignition and different taste.

7. Should you buy charcoal from tropical forests?
Tropical forests could also be well managed, but often they are not. Devastation of tropical forests is a huge environmental problem and therefore you should only buy tropical charcoal if you are certain of its origin. Charcoal produced in developing countries is manufactured in primitive mills, resulting in significantly lower qualities compared to charcoal from industrial production.

8. Does barbecuing affect the CO2 level in the atmosphere?
Charcoal is a natural bio-fuel made from wood and it does not contribute to increased CO2 levels as long as the raw material comes from well-managed forests. However, it does contribute to CO2 emissions if the producer uses fossil fuels (oil and gas) in the manufacturing process.

9. What is volatile matter?
Volatile matter is the gas content inside the wood. High levels of volatile matter result in more flames and smoke. In the modern charcoal production process the gases are burnt, not the wood. This results in a high level of fixed carbon content (C-fix).

10. What is the difference between industrial production (ACD - system) and charcoal from coal mills? 
Industrial production facilities give a higher and more even quality. One of the significant features of charcoal from industrial production is a higher level of fixed carbon content (C-fix). In ACD ?system you burn the volatile matters instead of the carbon fix. This does not only improve the quality of the charcoal but also effects the environment positively.